
The total width of the goats-hair curtains was four Amos more than the first curtains. What did the excess cover?


Rashi (in Pesukim 11 & 12): Two of the four extra Amos hung down in front, 1 and two hung down on the west side, covering the two Amos 2 that the first curtains left exposed.


Rashbam (in Pasuk 9): Two of the four extra Amos hung down in front, and two at the back of the Mishkan on the west side, exceeding the first curtains 3 , which totally covered the western wall. 4


Riva #1 (based on Shabbos 98b): One of the four extra Amos covered the pillars on the east side, two hung down in front, and one Amah hung down on the west side, covering the Amah (sockets) that the first curtains left exposed. (Refer to 26:4:1:1).


Riva #2 (in Pasuk 5, according to R. Nechemyah in Shabbos 98b): One extra Amah covered the Amah (sockets) that the first curtains left exposed, and one Amah trailed on the ground. 5


Like the veil of a modest bride (Rashi).


Riva: This is like the opinion of Rashi cited above from the Beraisa of forty-nine Midos (Refer to 26:4:1:2 and note), which the Riva himself rejected.


It seems that the extra two Amos trailed on the ground, similar to Riva (refer to 26:12:1:4). However, Chizkuni says that this is unreasonable; presumably, they hung (miraculously) in the air.


This is like the opinion that the boards were only a finger-breadth on top. He holds that also these curtains did not cover the pillars that held the Masach (PF).


He did not specify if the other two Amos [in the east] hung down in front, or if one covered the pillars on the east and one hung down (PF).


What are the connotations of the term "Achorei ha'Mishkan"?


Rashi: Based on the fact that the entrance of the Mishkan was in the east, the east is always referred to as the front of the Mishkan, the west, as the back, the south, the right side, and the north, the left side. 1


Refer also to 26:35:2:1.

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