
What are the connotations of "Paroches"?


Rashi: It means 'a partition, or, according to the Chachamim, 1 who refer to it as 'Pargod', 2 it means something that divides between the king and the people.


In B'rachos, 18b.


See Targum Yonasan.


What purpose did the Paroches serve?


Rashi,: The Paroches served to divide the Kodesh and the Kodesh Kodshim, where the Shechinah resided. 1


Which the Chachamim (in B'rachos, 18b) call 'Pargod' (See also Targum Yonasan) - something that divides between the king and the people (Rashi). The division was total, inasmuch as one half of the bottom curtains (the 'Mishkan') covered the Heichal; the other half, the Kodesh Kodshim, as Pasuk 33 indicates (Rashi [Refer also to 26:4:1:1*]).


How thick was each of the respective threads?


Rashi: Each completed thread comprised each of the four individual threads (linen, dark blue wool, purple wool and bright red wool), each of which had been spun into a six-fold thread. 1


Like the threads of the bottom set of curtains (Refer to 26:1:2:1).


What is the definition of "Ma'aseh Choshev"?


Rashi and Rashbam: Refer to 26:1:3:1. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: Here too, it was necessary to have a different image on each side, because, besides the beauty of the fabric and the inherent secrets to which they hinted, it was forbidden to arrange the Paroches inside out, since the Kedushah of the side that faced the inside of the Kodesh Kodshim exceeded the side that faced the outside - Refer to 6:1:3:1**.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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