
Why did he say "Ahavti Me'on Beisecha"?


Radak: I hate the congregation of evildoers, but I love the house in which the Aron was 1 . Leviyim, Kohanim, Nevi'im, Chasidim and Kadosh servants of Hashem, like Asaf and his brothers, were there.


Malbim: I do not come to the Mikdash amidst habit, rather, because I love Your house, for Your honor dwells there.


This was before the Mikdash was built. (PF)


What is "Mekom Mishkan Kevodecha"?


Radak: The place where the Aron was, there honor dwelled on Nevi'im and people of Ru'ach ha'Kodesh.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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