
What is the meaning of "Rav Mecholel Kol"?


Rashi: Hashem created everything, and judges everyone - a Kesil like a Chacham. We do not need any Chachmah!


Refer to 26:10:2:3.


Malbim: [The Kesil says that] Hashem creates and begets all people - the Tzadik and the Rasha, one who goes in Chachmah, and one who is drawn after his desires. All is from Hashem; man does not have choice.


Why does it say "v'Socher Kesil v'Socher Overim"?


Rashi: Hashem is unlike a person, who hires only expert workers, and only those who engage in his work. Hashem creates all, and hires Kesilim and travelers who do not do any work.


Rashi citing a Midrash: V'Socher is an expression of plugging up - "va'Yisacheru Mainos Tehom" (Bereishis 8:2) and "Osei Secher" (Yeshayah 19:10). Hashem plugs up Mazal Kimah (which serves in summer) from Tishrei and onwards. Then He closes all seafarers from going until Pesach.


Rashi citing R. Moshe: Every Ashir has much labor. If he hires a Kesil, it is as if he hires all travelers. They see the ruined work, and teach how to fix it and do it 1 .


Malbim: [The Kesil says that] Hashem hires the Kesil - He gives wages also to the Kesil who is drawn after his desires, and to those who are Over (transgress) His Mitzvos, and to all who Over (pass) in the world. He hires Tzadik and Rasha to do like He created them and the power that He put in them, for Chachmah or desire. There is no deed, Da'as, calculation [of sins] or punishment, for there is no choice. His deeds are forced.


Rashi: This is wrong. It is not relevant to here.

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