
Why does it say "Divrei Nirgan k'Mislahamim"?


Rashi: Mislahamim is an expression of Mislachamim (warring).


Rashi citing Sifri Devarim 24: This is like k'Mes Lahem - the Meraglim's words caused their death.


Malbim: To ignite a big fire, the words of a Nirgan (who constantly complains that people do bad to him), as if they strike him with great blows. Really, they are not 1 external blows, just they descended to his innards, and seem so to him.


Malbim (according to Mashal): Worse than Ish Madon [who complains about Hashem's Midos] is a Nirgan, who thinks that Hashem created man for evil, and the evils are more than the goods.


Perhaps the text should say 'Ela' (only). (PF)


What is the significance of "Chadrei Vaten"?


Rashi: This is death via Hadrokan (an illness in which the stomach swells).

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