
Damesek is the capitol of Aram. Aram was already mentioned (16)!


Malbim: Above it taught the merchandise that Aram brought. Now it teaches that Damesek will be merchants for you, and sell your productivity and bring to you wine and wool. It does not say Izvonayich, for Bnei Tzor took these dear things for themselves.


What is "Yayin Chelbon"?


Rashi: It is white cooked wine. (Chelbon is egg-white. ? PF)


Rashi citing Menachem: Chelbon is good, like "Chelev Chitim" (Tehilim 147:14).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Ba'Chamar Cheilas 1 Mevashel.


Chamar is wine. Presumably, Cheilas means near Yamah Shel Cheilas (one of the seven seas of Eretz Yisrael ? Bava Basra 74b). R. Shimshon (Demai 2:1) mentions Cheilas Antuchiya. (PF)


What is "Tzemer Tzachar"?


Targum Yonasan: Va'Amar Milas Kevina. Rashi ? on the day that a lamb is born, and its mother cleaned it via licking it, they make a cover and clamp it over the lamb, to keep its wool clean. "Tzachar" is white, like "Asonos Tzechoros" (Shoftim 5:10).

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