
What purpose did the Siros, Ya'im, Mizrekos, bowls forks and pans serve?


Rashi, Rashbam, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: The Ya'im were shovels to shovel the ashes from the Mizbe'ach and place into the Siros large pots - to transport the ashes to outside the camp; 1 the Mizr'kos were bowls for sprinkling the blood of the Korbanos; the forks were pitchforks used to turn over the pieces of meat that were burning on the Mizbe'ach (flesh-pokers), when only one side was burned, and the pans 2 were to take coals from the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon to the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi to burn the Ketores.


See Vayikra 6:4.


Which had three sides and were open in front (Rashi, Bamidbar, 4:14).


Why does the Torah specifically state the purpose of the Siros, which it does not do by any of the other Keilim.


Oznayim la'Torah: To extrapolate that the Siros that were used for cooking the meat of Kodshei Kodshim in the Azarah, did not need to be made of copper. 1


Oznayim la'Torwh: As is also evident from the Pasuk in Tzav, 6:21. See Oznayim la'Torah.


Why does the Torah extra 'Lamed' in "le'Chol Keilav Ta'aseh Nechoshes"?


Refer to 14:28:1:1 and note.

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