
Why does it mention "Achzariyus Chemah v'Shetef Af"?


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Achzariyos DH ha'Achzari): When the Nefesh of anger is strengthened in a person, the Midah or mercy flees. Cruelty overpowers to destroy. Our verse teaches that there is no anger like that of cruelty.


Malbim: Chemah is internal anger - he stores hatred in his heart. Af is external anger. There is Af without internal Chemah; it has Shetef - his age floods and afflicts, but not cruelty. There is Chemah without Af - the anger burns in his heart. It has cruelty from hatred and anger, but not Shetef, for he does not punish now.


What is the meaning of "Mi Ya'amod Lifnei Kin'ah"?


Rashi: Who can stand in front of the Kin'ah of one who has Kin'ah and takes vengeance?


Malbim: Kin'ah, that one is jealous for his profaned honor, it has cruelty and Shetef. He takes vengeance immediately with Shetef Af, and is cruel with cruelty of Chemah.

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