What is the meaning of "Esafeh"?
Radak: It means being finished off.
Why did he say "Atah Esafeh"?
Rashi: Perhaps he will ambush me, and come upon me suddenly.
Malbim: Miracles do not occur all the time, and when they occur, they deduct from one's merits. Perhaps the two salvations 1 I had finished my merits!
Why does he count only two? Perhaps he refers to the two times that through Hashgachah, he was able to make Sha'ul regret chasing him (through the corner of the garment, and the spear and flask). He was also saved (a) from Galyus, (b) twice from Sha'ul's spear, (c) when prophecy came upon Sha'ul, and (d) from Achish! (PF)
Why did he want to go to Eretz Pelishtim?
Malbim: (a) When I am here, Sha'ul thinks that I am gathering men to rebel against him. (b) Since Sha'ul knows that he will not find me, he will despair from pursuing me. (c) Even if he will pursue me to there, Melech Pelishtim will save me. 1
What is the meaning of "v'No'ash"?
Radak: It is an expression of despair.