
Whom does "Ateres Ge'us


Radak: It is the people of the generation of Malchus Efrayim, the tribes that were not exiled yet. They indulged in the good that they had. Their entire engagement was eating and drinking and pleasure from scented oil, until they came to inebriety and vomiting and going around like drunkards. They were drawn after worldly pleasures, and forgot Kel and His Mitzvos - "Shamanta Avisa Kasisa va'Yitosh Eloka Asahu" (Devarim 32:15). Amidst Ga'avah (pride) they used to make Ataros (crowns), and glorified themselves over their wealth and pleasures.


Malbim: It is not truly a crown of glory, rather, a crown of pride and false imagination.


Why does it say "Shikorei Efrayim"?


Rashi: They used to get drunk from good wine of Prugaisa. 'Wine of Prugaisa and [bathing in] water of the Dormaskis 1 (river) ruined the 10 Shevatim (Shabbos 147b. They pursued these pleasures and neglected learning.)


Our and Rashi's text there say 'Deyumasis'. (PF)


What is "Tzitz Novel Tzvi Sif'arto"?


Rashi #1: The flower (glory) of its planting will be ruined figs. In Brachos (40b), Novelos refers to Bishulei Kamra 1 . Tzitz is Netz, like the Targum of "va'Yatzetz Tzitz" (Bamidbar 17:23) is v'Anitz Netz.


Rashi #2: "Tzvi Sif'arto Al Rosh Gei Shemanim" are the 10 tribes, who were anointed with Gei'us Roshei Shemanim.


Radak: This is a metaphor. Their desire and boasting are like a flower - it is beautiful when it emerges, and when the wind blows on it, it withers and falls. Its beauty is destroyed, and it [decomposes and] becomes earth. The same applies to the glory of Efrayim! It mentions Efrayim, for it was the head of Malchus Yisrael. Tzvi is the desired matter and beauty, like "Tzvi Hi l'Chol ha'Aratzos" (Yechezkel 20:6, 15).


Malbim: This is a metaphor for their fat land, which grows quality fruits, at the peak of the fat places. It is called Tzitz Novel for detriment, for they did not keep it.


Rashi (Brachos 40b): Bishulei Kamra are scorched dates (they dried up due to the sun). The other opinion there says that they are dates that the wind detached. Why does Rashi say 'figs'? Perhaps he learns from verse 4, which discusses the first to ripen among Kayitz (figs and dates).Dates grow very high on date trees; one does see the flower or take it in his hand unless he climbed up. (PF)


What is "Al Rosh Gei Shemanim"?


Rashi #1: They are planted there. This is the Kineres; its Peros are sweet. There, they got drunk.


Rashi #2: [The 10 tribes] were anointed with Gei'us Roshei Shemanim, like it says "v'Reishis Shemanim Yimshachu" (Amos 6:6). Gei is an expression of pride, like "Mo'av Gei Me'od" (above, 16:6)


What are "Halumei Yayin"?


Rashi: They are crushed (ruined) via wine. They are called so due to their inebriety - "ha'Shosim b'Mizrekei Yayin" (Amos 6:6).


Radak: The wine strikes them, and makes them fall to the ground and wallow in their vomit and excrement.


Malbim: Their kingship and land were broken and lost due to pursuing wine and intoxication.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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