
What is the meaning of "Nasu v'Ein Rodef Rasha"?


Rashi: Resha'im flee when their calamity comes, and they fall on a light matter, without anyone chasing them.


Malbim: A Rasha is always afraid. He flees when no one chases. Also when there is one Rasha amidst the nation, fear falls on all of them, and all flee.


Why does it say "v'Tzadikim ki'Chfir Yivtach"?


Rashi: A Tzadik's heart is strong in [trust in] Hashem, like a young lion trusts in its strength.


Malbim: Tzadikim are like a young lion. It is confident even when pursuers come against it - "Ka'asher Yehgeh ha'Aryeh veha'Kefir Al Tarpo

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