
What are the connotations of "Y'tzav Hashem itcha ba'Asamecha"?


Ta'anis, 8b #1: It means that Hashem only sends a B'rachah on something that is hidden (Samuy) from the eye (that one doesn't know how much it is) 1 - to preclude anything that is weighed, measured or counted. 2


Ta'anis, 8b #2: It means that Hashem only sends a B'rachah on something that is hidden from the eye. 3


Lev Eliyahu (Sh'mos p.195): The B'rachah is that one eats a little, and it is blessed in one's stomach - one is satiated.


See Torah Temimah, note 11.


See Torah Temimah, notes 12, who explains the difference between the two D'rashos.

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