
Why did she say "Elohim Ra'isi Olim Min ha'Aretz"?


Rashi (based on Chagigah 4b): She saw two angels, Moshe 1 and Shmuel. Shmuel feared that he is being called for judgment, and he brought up Moshe with him.


Radak: I saw a great man rising, with his feet at the bottom - this is how I knew that you are Sha'ul (refer to 28:12:1:1).


Radak: Moshe rose with him to request mercy for Yisrael. 2


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I saw an angel rising from the ground.


Malbim: Since all Nevi'im received from Moshe, they have some share in his power, and this power rose with him.


Radak cites Tanchuma Emor 2/4. It expounds Olim (plural) to teach that Moshe rose with him, but does not say why he rose.

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