
What is the meaning of "Yashi'u"?


Rashi: It is an expression of enticement, like "ha'Nachash Hishi'ani" (Bereishis 3:13).


What is the meaning of "Machlemim"?


Radak: It should say Machlimim, for it is Hif'il. Also "Hem Mazerim Osam" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:23) is like Ma'azirim. You cause them to dream. If you would not heed their dreams, they would not dream. Therefore it says "Chalomoseichem" - they are attributed to you.


Malbim: You cause the dreams via your thoughts during the day, like the episode of the emperor and R. Yosi bar Chanina (Brachos 56a) - he thought about it the entire day, and at night he saw it [in a dream].

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