
Why does it say "Ki"?


Radak #1: This verse connects to verse 14 - because they did so 1 , Hashem will strike them.


Radak #2 When [they have affliction, they honor Me verbally].


Radak: If Nigash has a Shin, it is because they honor Me verbally, but they distanced from Me. If Nigas has a Sin, it is because they act like overseers of the nation to honor Hashem verbally.


What is the meaning of "Nigash ha'Am ha'Zeh"?


Targum Yonasan: Chalaf d'Isravrav. Rashi - They approached to elevate themselves until Shamayim. They show themselves as if "they honor Me with their mouths, but they distanced [their hearts] from Me." Radak - this opinion reads Nigash with a Shin 1 , an expression of approaching, like "Nigash Yosef v'Rachel" (Bereishis 33:7).


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: Yonasan translates Chalaf d'Isravrav. He holds that it is Nigas with a Sin, like "veha'Nogesim Atzim" (Shemos 5:13).


Radak: Nigas is pressed. When they have affliction, they honor Me verbally and approach Me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from Me.


Malbim: They think that this claim (Devar Hashem is above human understanding) brings them close to Me. Really, "they honor Me with their mouths, but they distanced their hearts from Me." Amidst this, they say that one cannot understand Hashem's Mitzvos and Toros. It is as if they are only superficial deeds without intent, for we cannot know their intent. Via this they will come to deny that Hashem commanded Mitzvos and Chukim, and that man can understand their reasons.


Radak: The Mesorah supports this. It says that this does not appear elsewhere in this Sefer. Below, we find Nigas with a Sin - "Nigas v'Hu Na'aneh" (53:7)!


What is "Mitzvas Anashim Melumadah"?


Rashi: It is not with a full heart, rather, like Mitzvos that people are habituated to them. They appear submissive in front of Hashem, in order to entice him with their mouths.


Radak: They do only what they are commanded; they do not add. This shows that they do not do amidst desire!


Sha'arei Teshuvah 3:15: This refers to one who does not arrange thoughts to think constantly about Yir'as Hashem.


Sefer ha'Yir'ah DH v'Lo Yehaneh: It is one who does Mitzvos based on his habit from his father, and not for the sake of Hashem.


Malbim: It is based on habit, without intent. He knows that they are Hashem's Mitzvos, but he does not do them because Hashem commanded, only because his parents and ancestors commanded, without knowing the reason.

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