
What are the connotations of "Tamid" in connection with the Korban Tamid?


Rashi: It means every day.


What is "Asher Iva'ed lachem Shamah" referring to?


Rashi #1: It refers to the Mizbe'ach - from where Hashem would speak to Moshe after the Mishkan was erected. 1


Rashi #2: It refers to the Ohel Mo'ed (mentioned in the Pasuk), since Hashem spoke to Moshe from the lid of the Aron between the two Keruvim. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Even though Hashem spoke to Moshe from the lid of the Aron, it was the Avodah on the Mizbe'ach that caused the Shechinah to descend and speak with Moshe.


Refer to 29:42:151:1 and refer to 25:22:1:1.


See Terumah, 25:22.


Rashi (in his first explanation) writes that Hashem spoke to Moshe from above the copper Mizbe'ach. But in 25:22 the Torah specifically writes that He spoke to him from above the Aron?


Shem mi'Shmuel (Tetzaveh-Zachor, 679): The Sifri states that other Nevi'im prophesied with "Koh [Amar Hashem]", and Moshe with "Zeh [ha'D'var]." The Maharal says that the latter was for Torah laws, which are eternal; for temporary matterds, also Moshe prophesied with "Koh". We can say that those he received from over the Mizbe'ach, since its Kedushah was temporary - seeing as it ceased when the Machanos traveled.

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