
What is the significance of "vi'Ysharim Yevakshu Nafsho"?


Rashi: This is an expression of dearness. A support is what David told Evyasar "Asher Yevakesh Es Nafshi Yevakesh Es Nafshecha" (Shmuel I, 22:23). The One who will bestow Chesed to me, will bestow to you 1 .


Malbim #1: In all of Tanach, Bakesh Nafsho is trying to kill him. This is the only place where it refers to love. Therefore, it is better to explain that vi'Ysharim is connected to the Reisha - Anshei Damim hate a Tam and Yesharim; they seek to kill [a Tam].


Malbim #2: Anshei Damim hate a Tam, and seek pretexts to kill him. Yesharim hate those who seek to kill him, and wage the battle of the Tam.


Rashi: The Meforshim do not agree with me.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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