
What do we learn from "Moshel Makshiv Al Devar Sheker Kol Mesharesav Resha'im"?


Chulin 4b: You cannot say that Achav's men were righteous 1 .


Malbim (according to the Mashal): If the ruler heeds false words, then the servants strive to say in front of him Sheker, Leshon ha'Ra and to ruin many. All of them are Resha'im.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): The heart that rules according to the laws of Chachmah, also its servants are Tzadikim. Images of the Nefesh that arise on the heart that rules in man, they are according to the way of Chachmah. Yetzarim of evil will not stand in front, rather, in back. However, if the heart that rules heeds a false matter, then the evil servants (bad images) are elevated, and they stand in front to bring to it images of Ta'avah, hatred and evil Ru'ach. This refers to "Kol Rucho Yotzi Kesil" (10).


Chasam Sofer (4a, citing Hafla'ah): Ovadyah was second to the king, so he was not drawn after him, but Achav's other servants were drawn after him.

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