
Why did the Sarim complain?


Malbim: If it were merely due to honor (why does Achish honor David), only the generals would complain; it is proper that they guard the king, and not David. Rather, all the officers complained, for they do not trust David.


Why did he mention that David is Sha'ul's slave?


Malbim: He rebelled against him. Surely he will take vengeance against him when he has the opportunity!


Why did they say "or years"? David was with him only four months!


Radak: I appreciate what he did for me as if he was with me for years.


Malbim: It is four months that he has been here with his men - or years, if you count from the first time he came alone. 1 He already rebelled from then!


If Achish realized that it was David, and he feigned insanity, why was he not concerned when David returned that he merely pretends to hate Yisrael? (PF)


What is the meaning of "mi'Yom Noflo"?


Rashi: It is from when he camped by me. Radak - this is like "Al Pnei Kol Echav Nafal" (Bereishis 25:18).

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