
What is the connection of this to the previous Parshah?


Rashi citing Brachos 8a: Shlomo did not marry Bas Pharaoh (which caused him to decline terribly) as long as Shim'i ben Gera (his Rebbi) was alive. Radak - he killed Shim'i after three years, and married her in the fourth. 1 Shlomo feared Shim'i; Shim'i would have rebuked him.


Malbim: After his kingship was solid amidst his nation, he solidified it against the surrounding kings by marrying the daughter of a great king in those days; through this, he would find help from external enemies.


Radak (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 8:11): She lived there for two years, until Shlomo finished his house. (He took 13 years to build his house, i.e. after he built the Beis ha'Mikdash in seven years, like Radak brings here! Bamidbar Rabah 10:4 - he married her the night after he finished building the Mikdash. Our verse says that she stayed in Ir David until he finished the Mikdash and his house! Perhaps she entered Ir David during Eirusin. This requires investigation. - PF)


How could he marry her? "Lo Sischaten Bam" (Devarim 7:3)!


Radak citing Yevamos 76a #1: The Isur is only while they are Nochrim. After conversion the Torah permits them.


Radak citing Yevamos 76a #2: The Isur is only after conversion. Before this, marriage does not take effect! Shlomo converted her, and transgressed this. 1


Radak citing Yevamos 76a #3: According to the opinion that we did not accept converts in the days of David and Shlomo, he clung to love her, but did not marry her. It says "va'Yischaten" (an expression of marriage) because he loved her excessively. 2


The one who establishes the Isur to be after conversion, applies it only to the seven Kena'ani nations! There is another Isur to marry Egyptian converts! Refer to 3:1:3:1-2. (PF)


The Gemara said so to explain why he did not transgress marrying an Egyptian convert! It said that the opinion that we did not accept converts in the days of David and Shlomo, it is due to suspicion lest they convert only for wealth. Bas Pharaoh was already wealthy, so there was no concern! (PF)


How could he marry her? Egyptian converts are forbidden until the third generation (Devarim 23:9)!


Radak citing Yevamos 76b: One opinion forbids only the males, but permits female Egyptian converts immediately. The Halachah does not follow this opinion, but it seems correct, for the Navi does not say that Shlomo sinned through marrying her, only through marrying many women and clinging to them until they veered his heart in his old age, and he let them serve idolatry. Now, the verse says that he married Bas Pharaoh, and his [only] sin was offering on Bamos. Later she is mentioned with his other foreign wives, for they veered his heart. He married them without conversion, amidst desire, and let them conduct like Nochrim, therefore he was punished for them.


Yevamos 76a: He clung to love her, but did not marry her. It says "Va'Yischaten" (an expression of marriage) because he loved her excessively.


Why did he bring her to Ir David?


Radak: David's house 1 was in Ir David, i.e. Tziyon.


Shlomo lived in it until he built his own house. (PF)


What do we learn from "Ad Kaloso Livnos?"?


Rashi: Only after he built the Beis ha'Mikdash and his house, he built a house for her.


Radak: After he built a house for her, he removed her from Beis David, like he said in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 8:11, for it was improper to keep a wife in such a Kadosh place; the Aron came to there!


The verse implies that he built his house before Beis Hashem!


Radak: It means until he finished his house, after he finished Beis Hashem.

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