
How long did Shlomo love Hashem and go in the ways of David?


Rashi, citing Seder Olam: It was for four years, until he began to build the Beis ha'Mikdash. However, when he began to build and married Bas Pharaoh, "Al Api v'Al Chamasi Haysah Li?" (Yirmeyah 32:31). The Parshiyos are not written in order.


Radak: It was even after he married Bas Pharaoh. Only in his old age, when he had many foreign wives, Bas Pharaoh and his foreign wives veered his heart from loving Hashem. Rather, Shlomo influenced her to follow the ways of Yisrael, even though she was an Egyptian convert and forbidden to him.


Why does it say "Rak"?


Radak: It says that he went in the ways of David - except for this. David offered only on the Mizbe'ach in front of the Aron in Yerushalayim, or on the Bamah in Giv'on. We do not find that he offered on other Bamos, for increasing Bamos leads to idolatry; Nochrim build Bamos "on every high hill and under every fresh tree" (14:23).


Malbim: Only about this, he did not go in the ways of David. David offered only on the Bamah Gedolah [of the Tzibur], in order to fix the matter, that both the king and the nation will not offer more on [other] Bamos.


Why does it mention that he offered on Bamos?


Rashi: This is to his detriment, for delaying four years before [starting to] build the Beis ha'Mikdash.

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