
What is the meaning of "Haloch"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Go. This is a command. Here Hashem commanded Yirmeyah to return the 10 tribes. Some of them returned in Yoshiyah's 18th year (Megilah 14b).


Radak: Be zealous. This is like "Lecha Na Anasecha v'Simchah" (Koheles 2:1), "Lechu v'Napilah Goralos" (Yonah 1:7) and similar verses.


Which words should he call out?


Malbim: It is the words said above.


Why did He say "to the north"?


Rashi: To the places where Yisrael were exiled, to Ashur.


Radak: He did not tell Yirmeyah to go to where Melech Ashur exiled the 10 tribes, for they are in the north of the world, towards the east 1 ! Rather, he should say these words in Yerushalayim, in front of the Zekenim of Yehudah. The words apply to the exiles, as if he speaks to them. "Shuvah" hints that they will return at the end of days - "Lo Etor l'Olam." Rather, I will return them from exile with Yehudah 2 .


I do not understand Radak's proof that Hashem did not command him to go there to speak to them. (PF)


This implies that that they will return after Galus Bavel. Radak just said that it will be at the end of days! From the coming verses, it seems that this is a Nevu'ah of the final redemption at the end of days (Radak (15) mentions the leaders with Mashi'ach). Had Ezra's generation merited, Zerubavel would have been Mashi'ach (Malbim Chagai 1:1)! (PF)


What is "Panai"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is My anger. Radak - this is like "Eten Es Panai ba'Ish ha'Hu" (Vayikra 20:3), "Pnei Hashem Chilkam" (Eichah 4:16) and similar verses.


Why did He say "Ki Chasid Ani"?


Radak: Even though you sinned and you were liable to be destroyed, I am a Chasid. One of Hashem's Midos is "Rav Chesed" (Shemos 34:6). Chesed is giving good more than is proper.


Malbim: Do not fear lest I punish you or bear hatred in the heart. I am a Chasid; I will not bear hatred forever. I will totally forget your sin.

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