
What is the comparison to a shepherd saving from the lion's mouth?


Rashi: He saves a small amount. So few Yisraelim will be saved.


Radak: He will save what he can, be it much (two legs) or a little [from the ear 1 ].


Malbim: This explains the second introduction - "ha'Yish'ag Arye ba'Ya'ar v'Teref Ein Lo" (4). The lion that roars at them is Melech Ashur, who prepared to fight them and destroy them. The shepherd tries to save at least the ear, for a proof that it was torn and he will be exempt from paying ? "Im Tarof Yitaref Yevi'ehu Ed" (Shemos 22:12) ? he brings the torn animal for a proof 2 .


Would one endanger himself to take from the lion, merely to get meat for dogs or to sell to Nochrim? Do we discuss a lion that seized a slaughtered animal? Or, when only the legs remain, it is not hungry, and it will not fight one who takes a remnant of its prey. (PF)


How is this a proof? Perhaps it died via negligence, and the shepherd cut off an ear! (PF)


Why does it mention "Shnei Chera'im?


Radak: They are the last thing that the lion eats 1 .


Does a lion eat an entire animal at once? Perhaps the lion shares it with its family. (PF)


What is "Vedal Ozen"?


Rashi: It is the cartilage of the ear. Radak ? it has no meat; the lion leaves it. So will be saved from Shomron only a small amount that the enemy is not concerned for it ? weak, bedridden people.


Why does it specify Shomron?


Radak: It is the capitol, and it was conquered last.


Who will be saved in Shomron?


Radak: The Tzadikim among them were saved from the plague and the sword ? "v'Hish'arti v'Yisrael Shiv'as Alafim Kol ha'Birkayim Asher Lo Kar'u la'Ba'al" (Melachim I, 19:18). However, they will not be saved from captivity.


What is the meaning of "bi'F'as Mitah uvi'Dmeshek Ares"?


Targum Yonasan: They trust in strong authority and Damesek 1 . Rashi ? in the days of Yehoachaz ben Yehu, it says ? "Ki Ibedam Melech Ashur va'Ysimem ke'Afar Ladush" (Melachim II, 13:7). His grandson Yaravam saved them somewhat - v'Lo Diber Hashem Limchos Es Shem Yisrael? va'Yoshi'em b'Yad Yaravam", "Hu Heshiv Es Gevul Yisrael" (Melachim II, 14:27, 25). Bi'F'as Mitah is the cornerstone ? the strength of the house. Yonason refers to the strong authority of Yaravam. Amos prophesized in the days of Yaravam. He prophesized that in the end, he will rely on Malchei Aram. And so they did in the days of Pekach ben Remalyahu. He joined with Retzin - this is "uvi'Dmesek Ares." Their primary serenity and trust were on Damesek.


Rashi citing Seder Olam 22 2 : These are the 10 tribes, who relied on Chizkiyah Melech Yehudah and on Yehudah, and were saved with them. "Bi'F'as Mitah" ? only one out of eight survived. Where is the rest of Ares (the bed)? In Damesek, to fulfill "v'Higleisi Eschem me'Halah l'Damesek" (5:27). Menachem said, we learn one out of eight from bi'F'as. It does not say Pe'as, rather, bi'F'as Mitah ? one of the two directions (half) of one of the four corners.


Rashi citing R. Meir: "Bi'F'as Mitah" - in the sin of Achazyah ben Achav, who sent "Dirshu b'Va'al Zevuv Elohei Ekron Im Echyeh me'Chali Zeh" (Melachim II, 1:2). "Uvi'Dmesek Ares" ? Ben Hadad Melech Aram sent to seek Elokei Yisrael [from Elisha, to know if he will live ? Melachim II, 8:7-8].


Radak #1: A bedridden Choleh, when the enemy comes, he presses himself in one corner of the bed, lest he be seen. "Uvi'Dmeshek Ares" repeats the matter in different words, for Dameshek is like Pe'ah. There is nothing like this in Tanach. Ares is a bed ? "Hine Arso Eres Barzel" (Devarim 3:11).


Radak #2: The Dalet in Damesek is extra. The root is Shok, like "u'Ven Meshek Beisi" (Bereishis 15:2). Shok of the bed is the corner.


Malbim: Only the weak ones who sit on the end of the bed will be saved ? they will not be killed or exiled. Those who dwell in Damesek in the corner of Eres Devai (the sick-bed) ? only the absolutely ill who sit on the sick-bed will be saved, but not the weak, who sit on a regular bed. First, Melech Ashur exiled many Yisraelim to Damesek, or many Yisrael decided to settle there, for Yaravam ben Yo'ash returned Damesek to Yisrael, like it says in Melachim II, 14:27 ? and later, Melech Ashur exiled Yisrael also from Damesek, "v'Higleisi Eschem me'Halah l'Damesek" (below, 5:27), to Chalach and Chavor.


Radak: Yonason translates as if it says Damesek with a Sin in place of the Shin. Also Seder Olam explains so (refer to 3:12:6:2).


Our text is slightly different. (PF)

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