
What do we learn from "Arye Sha'ag Mi Lo Yira Hashem Elokim Diber Mi Lo Yinavei"?


Rashi: So Hashem told the Nevi'im to prophesize ? who will not prophesize?!


Radak: How can you tell the Nevi'im not to prophesize (2:11)?! Everyone who hears a lion's roar is afraid ? how will a Navi not fear My voice?! How can he stand and not fulfill My word that I commanded him?!


Malbim: Everyone who hears a lion's roar is afraid, even though it is a mere living being. All the more so, if Hashem spoke ? who will not prophesize?! Surely the Nevi'im will be afraid, prophesize and warn the nation! Why did they not repent? The same metaphor was used, "Im Yitaka Shofar ba'Ir v'Am Lo Yecheradu" (6) ? why do they not fear, to repent and stop the evil? If afterwards the evil comes, and Hashem's decree comes upon them, it is not attributed to Hashem. They caused it, for Hashem does not do anything before revealing His Sod to the Nevi'im (7) and warning the nation. If they were not careful, they caused it!

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