
What does the verse teach about "uva'Es Kabetzi Eschem"?


Radak, Targum Yonasan: It is as if it says uva'Es ha'Hi... The word "ha'Hi" above applies also to here.


Malbim: "Avi Eschem" refers to those who stayed in their place and left their creed. I will bring them to their creed and [spiritual] inheritance. "Kabetzi Eschem" refers to those who were expelled from the land.


What is the meaning of "Shevuseichem"?


Radak: This is plural (your exile). Also "u'Shvus Shevisayich b'Sochahnah" (Yechezkel 16:53) is plural. Here there is a Vov after the Veis, with a Shuruk, and there, there is a Yud with a Chirik.


The previous verse said li'S'hilah ul'Shem." Why is this repeated?


Malbim: Above it taught that their Emunah will be for them for fame and praise. Here it teaches that they will be for fame and praise via their Gevurah 1 in the war of Gog and Magog.


Hashem will defeat Gog and Magog. Why will Yisrael be praised for their Gevurah? Perhaps this refers to their courage - they were not intimidated via Gog's multitudes even before Hashem fought for Yisrael. (PF)

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