
What is the meaning of "Rif'us Tehi l'Sharecha"?


Ta'anis 7a: Anyone who engages in Torah Lishmah, it becomes for him an elixir of life.


Rashi: Chachmah [will cure] Sharecha, i.e. [your navel, like "Sharerech" (Shir ha'Shirim 7:3).


R. Yonah: [Fear] will be health and strength for your power - "Yir'as Hashem Tosif Yamim" (10:27).


Malbim: Do not think that because the laws of Chachmah oppose your nature, going in them will make your body ill. Just the contrary! The laws of Chachmah and its Mitzvos warned against many foods, and command to separate from excess food. They are a cure for you! The stomach will receive drinks and food, not only so it will not get ill - rather, it will heal its illness.


Ma'alos ha'Torah DH uv'Parashas Kedoshim: A person is purified only via Divrei Torah, for they do not receive Tum'ah. We find Taharah in the Torah - "Yir'as Hashem Tehorah Omedes La'ad" (Tehilim 19:10).


What is "Shikuy l'Atzmosecha"?


Rashi: It is marrow - "u'Mo'ach Atzmosav Yeshukeh" (Iyov 21:24).


Malbim: Do not think that the separation from delights and desire will dry the marrow of your bones. Just the contrary, they are a drink for your bones! The laws of Chachmah strengthen health and bones. This is (a) due to nature, for most excesses weaken the body, and (b) due to His Hashgachah.

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