What Mano'ach does Na'ami request for Rus?
Malbim: A husband - "u'Mtzenah Menuchah Ishah Beis Ishah" (1:9).
Why did she add "Asher Yitav Lach"?
Malbim: Sometimes a woman finds rest in her husband's house, but it is not good for her if he does not guard Torah and Mitzvos; it is bad for her Nefesh. Chazal discussed a woman who married a tax collector, and tied tax receipts on his arm 1 . I want true good for you!
Avodah Zarah 39a: Previously, she was married to a Chacham, and tied Tefilin on his arm. (A Stam tax collector takes as much as he wants; this is theft! This shows that a wife is drawn after her husband - PF.)