
Did a bear ambush him?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He ambushed me like a bear or lion.


Rashi: Hashem switched to be like a bear in ambush.


Ibn Ezra: A bear come upon him from a path that he did not know.


Ri Kara: Even though the path is crooked, and a man cannot go on it to the straight path, if I will leave incarceration, He ambushes to tear me, like a bear ambushes to tear prey.


Palgei Mayim: He made the Yetzer ha'Ra so strong like a bear in ambush to make me sin.


What is the significance of "Ari b'Mistarim"?


Ibn Ezra: Some say that a bear announces (warns other animals) about a lion [nearby] 1 .


R. Avigdor: This refers to Aspanyainus Kaiser. Ari is written with a Hei (like Aryeh), to hint to Nebuchadnetzar, about whom it says "Aleha Arye mi'Subeko" (Yirmeyah 4:7), and he succeeded [to destroy the Mikdash] in the fifth month (Av), and a lion has five names - Ari, Shachal, Kefir, Lavi and Layish.


Palgei Mayim: After my measure [for sin] was full, he was like a hidden lion, who tears apart like splitting a kid in two. So Hashem brought calamity on me suddenly.


Ibn Ezra: This is difficult.

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