
What is the meaning of "Eini Olelah l'Nafshi [mi'Kol Bnos Iri]"?


Bava Kama 83a: R. Gamliel said, of 1000 children in my father's house


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): He explains "Eini" like Avoni.


What is the significance of "mi'Kol Bnos Iri"?


Rashi: Yirmeyah was a Kohen. My family should cry more than all families of the city, for it was chosen for Kedushah and Avodas Hashem more than all of Yisrael.


Ibn Ezra: Normally, lamenters are women (and my eye caused more crying than them).


Palgei Mayim: The nations are called Bnos Yerushalayim. Researchers say that seeing one's enemy aggrandized is worse than all evils that come upon a person. Keneses Yisrael laments, my eyes harm me, due to the good that I see that Bnos Iri (the nations) have.

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