
Why does it mention Amudav, Refidaso and Merkavo?


Malbim (Melitzah): They correspond to the three parts of the body 1 , which are palaces for the three parts of the Nefesh (vegetative, Chiyunis, intellectual 2 ). Man (the small world), the powers of his Nefesh are his essence; his body and limbs, are the clothing for his Nefesh - cloaks of skin and flesh to cover its nakedness, and Kelim that carry out the actions. The Apiryon that Shlomo made is the Levush of the Ish Kelali, i.e. the Neshamah Kelalis. Via the Mikdash, the Nefashos of Yisrael were united to be a Merkavah (chariot) for Hashem's Shechinah. There all the Neshamos gathered and stood like one individual. All Nefashos of Yisrael were like one individual Nefesh composed of all its parts. The Beis ha'Mikdash must contain [a counterpart of] everything in an individual body.


Malbim: These three divisions in man (the small world) correspond to the three divisions in the big world - the lower world, the world of spheres (Heavenly bodies), and the world of pure intellects.


Malbim: There are two other levels within Yisrael that scientists did not see - the Divine Nefesh Ne'etzeles (a 'copy' that emanates) from Hashem's honor, from the world of the Kisei. When they guard His laws, it is higher than the intellectual Nefesh that Chachamim call Chayah. It will forever be bound to life with Hashem. A higher Nefesh is Ne'etzeles on Nevi'im from the world of Atzeilus. It is called Yechidah, for its source is from total unity with the absolute Unity. Those with [Yechidah] are elevated over commoners. They become G-dly and rule over all deeds. They see without eyes and hear without ears. They go in the King's palace to do wonders - "Tzadik Moshel Yir'as Elokim" (Shmuel II, 23:3).


What is the significance of "Amudav Kesef"?


Malbim (Melitzah): They are a wall around the Heichal, corresponding to the curtains around Chatzer ha'Mishkan. "Amudav Asah Kesef" are the "ha'Amudim va'Chashukeihem Kasef" (Shemos 27:10; (Shir ha'Shirim Rabah 3:1). It was surrounded with pillars, and not Kerashim, for its Kelim were not so esteemed to be inside Kerashim. It was of silver, which is less esteemed than gold. The natural, Nefesh is clothed with the bottom part of the body, from the chest and below. There are the Kelim to do his work, to make the body flourish, via the stomach, liver, innards and place where the food is digested and distributed to all the limbs, according to what they need. This is via known powers of ingestion, storage, digestion and expulsion [of waste]. Chatzer Ohel Mo'ed in the Mishkan, and correspondingly the Ulam in the Mikdash, parallel Kelim of the natural Nefesh (digestion). So the Mizbe'ach burned the spiritual food and 'Lechem Hashem.'


What is "Refidaso"?


Rashi: This is where He lies and dwells, on the Kapores, which was of gold.


Malbim (Melitzah): These are the Kerashim, which were covered with gold (Shemos 26:29; Shir ha'Shirim Rabah 3:1)). Nefesh ha'Chiyunis dwells in the part of the body opposite the chest, in man's heart. Life comes from it. The Heichal corresponds to Kelim of the Nefesh ha'Chiyunis. It housed Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores, from which is a spiritual pleasure of the Nefesh that the Neshamah enjoys. It is compared to digestion of the heart, which is purely spiritual. The seven lamps of the Menorah correspond to the seven branches of the lungs that ignite life spirit. It needs more protection; it was surrounded with Kerashim; Refidaso Zahav - gold is stronger 1 and more esteemed than silver. There the Nefesh is spread under the intellectual Nefesh.


Gold is softer than silver! Perhaps he refers to gold that was super-refined. Shlomo refined 1000 Kikarim of gold 1000 times, until they became one Kikar (Menachos 29a). (PF)


What is "Merkavo"?


Rashi: This is the Paroches, which was hung on poles between pillars.


Malbim (Melitzah): "Merkavo Argaman" is the Paroches - "v'Asisa Paroches Techeles v'Argaman" (Shemos 26:31; Shir ha'Shirim Rabah 3:1). The intellectual Nefesh built its abode to dwell forever in a small attic at the top of the body - the head and skull. The primary parts of Binyan ha'Bayis, we make them Kodesh and Kodesh ha'Kodoshim. Kodesh ha'Kodoshim corresponds to the intellectual Nefesh. The Aron and two Luchos Anavim were there; the Torah of the intellect is hidden there. It was under 1 a wall of Argaman, i.e. the Paroches. There were two Keruvim on the Aron; they depict two Nefashos that their source is in Kodesh - Chayah and Yechidah (refer to 3:10:1:1**). The supreme Beloved dwells between the Aron's staves, with his beloved Kalah.


Really, it was within the Paroches! (PF)


How is the inside "Ratzuf Ahavah"?


Rashi: The arrangement is paved with love - Aron, Kapores, Keruvim and Luchos.


Seforno: On the walls were Keruvim and pictures to show Hashem's love for His nation.


Malbim (Melitzah): This is the Heavenly fire that crouches like a lion and consumes the gathered love of Bnos Yerushalayim. They are physical powers that were purified to Ahavas Hashem from the Nefashos that go on the fire, from the choicest of Domem, vegetative and living that go on the Mizbe'ach. they were purified via the exalted beloved, the Divine Nefesh that connects with her Beloved. Her love includes all of them, to the point that Bnos Yerushalayim now join in their love.


Malbim (Mashal): This explains who dwells inside Amudav Kesef


Who are "Bnos Yerushalayim"?


Rashi: They are Yisrael. They fear Hashem and are Shalem with (completely devoted to) Him.


Malbim (Melitzah): Refer to 3:10:5:3.

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