What is the meaning of "Kim'at she'Avarti Mehem"?
Rashi: Close to when [the guards] separated from me, at the end 40 years [in the Midbar].
Seforno: Shortly after I passed those nights (in the 40 days after the Egel), which were in anger
What is the significance of finding her beloved?
Rashi: He was with [Yisrael] in the days of Yehoshua, to conquer the 31 kings.
Seforno: I received the second Luchos.
Malbim: Nevu'ah came on her via Bitul of bodily powers. The Neshamah was almost not left in the body.
How did she hold him, and not let go?
Rashi: I did not slacken from Him until I brought Him to Mishkan Shilo, due to all this that He did for me.
Seforno: I volunteered [materials] for the Mishkan, and I did not return to sin.
Malbim (Melitzah): She decided that after the Nevu'ah ends, her Beloved will not return to His Kadosh abode in Shamayim. Then, the Mikdash was not built, and the Shechinah did not have a place to dwell permanently below. After it was built, Hashem began to make His honor dwell among Bnei Yisrael - "Bano Vanisi Beis Zevul Lach Machon l'Shivtecha Olamim" (Melachim I, 8:13). Via Mikdash Hashem, His Ru'ach ha'Kodesh clung to the builders 1 . This was the primary reason to build it - "v'Asu Li Mikdash v'Shachanti b'Socham" (Shemos 25:8)!
I.e. the nation that will build it. (PF)
In what way did she bring him to her mother's house?
Seforno: He made His Shechinah dwell on the outer Mizbe'ach in Ezras Yisrael 1 . There, the heads of the nation, who are like a mother in Yisrael. This was when fire descended [from Shamayim] after bringing Korbanos.
Malbim (Melitzah): Beis Imah is the body 2 .
Malbim (Mashal): He will live with her in a fixed place, and not jump further on Harei Baser.
The outer Mizbe'ach was in the Azarah, after Ezras Yisrael (the first 11 Amos from the eastern wall of the Azarah) and Ezras Kohanim (the next 11 Amos)! Perhaps 'Ezras Yisrael' refers to the Azarah, which Yisrael may enter, as opposed to the Heichal, which is only for Kohanim. (PF)
I.e. the Shechinah will dwell amidst Yisrael. (PF)
What is "Cheder Horasi"?
Seforno: It is Beis Kodesh ha'Kodoshim (Malbim (Melitzah) - on top of the Keruvim). There is my teaching, i.e. the Luchos, which teach Tzedakah. This was at Chanukas ha'Nesi'im (of the Mishkan) - "uv'Vo Moshe El Ohel Mo'ed Ledaber Ito va'Yishma Es ha'Kol Midaber Elav" (Bamidbar 7:89).