
Who is Moshe speaking to?


Rashi: He is speaking to the tribes of Reuven and Gad 1 mentioned earlier, who will lead the troops into battle on account of their immense strength. 2


Targum Yonason: He is speaking to the tribes of Reuven and Gad and half of Menasheh. 3


See Na'ar Yonasan.


Refer to Devarim, 33:202:1 & 2 and 33:20:3:1. (This does not follow the Gemara in Megilah 16a, which - based on the Pesukm in Vay'chi Bereishis, 49:8 and Tehilim 80:3 - implies that Yehudah, Binyamin and Efrayim are the strongest tribes,. Perhaps only in the generation that entered Eretz Yisrael, Gad and Reuven were strong (PF). Refer also to Bereishis 47:2:151* & 47:2:151:1.


See Yehoshua 1, 12-16.


Why did Moshe say "Kol B'nei Chayal" and not "Kol Yotz'ei Tzava mi'Ben Esrim ... "?


Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to Bamidbar, 32:21:2:1.

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