
What is the meaning of "Lifnei Hevi'acha"?


Rashi: [You must bring Michal] before you will see the king.


Malbim: You will come in front of me when you bring her to my house.


Why did David want Michal to return before he becomes king over all of Yisrael?


Malbim: (a) David planned from the beginning, lest he look like one who rebelled against his master and ruled in place of him by force. Rather, he becomes king via a Navi, properly, with them consent of Yisrael and their Chachamim. Returning Michal shows that David is the king's son-in-law, and he merits kingship also via Sha'ul. (b) Avner should not look like one who rebels against his master. Rather, he brings David's wife with his master's (Ish Boshes') approval. Avner was most esteemed in her father's house!

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