
Why does it say "Ki E'eseh Chalah..."?


Malbim: There will be nothing terrifying (verse 10) because I will eradicate all of them.


What are the nations amidst whom Hashem spread us?


Malbim: They are Bavel and Ashur.


What is the meaning of "v'Yisarticha la'Mishpat"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [I will afflict you] b'Din Chasuch. Radak - this is like "Yasreni Hashem Ach b'Mishpat" (10:24), according to what we can bear, not according to My anger based on your evil deeds. It says la'Mishpat with a Patach under the Lamed [as if there is the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah] to identify - the Mishpat I conducted with you from the day I chastised you for your sin - "hak'Makeh Makehu Hikahu" (Yeshayah 27:7).


Malbim: I will punish you only for your sin, but not to eradicate you.


What is the meaning of "v'Nake Lo Anakeka"?


Rashi: You will not be swept in destruction.


Radak: I will not cut you off. This is like "v'Nikasah la'Aretz Yeshev" (Yeshayah 3:26), "Ki Chol ha'Gonev mi'Zeh Kamoha... Nikah" (Zecharyah 5:3). It is also an expression of cleanliness - one who is cut off from the world is Naki (clean) from it.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will not gather you.


Malbim: The afflictions will atone for your sin, but will not eradicate you. "Rak Eschem Yadati... Al Ken Efkod Aleichem Es Kol Avonoseichem" (Amos 3:2) - unlike other nations, which are not punished immediately; their measure [for sin] is filled, and they perish.

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