
What is "Lu'ach Itam"?


Radak: See what is written on the tablet; afterwards, write it in a Sefer so it will be testimony for much later.


Malbim: It is a small tablet that will remain with them for a remembrance for them themselves, until "Yom Acharon" - the end of their lives.


What is "Chukah"?


Rashi: Carve [this Nevu'ah]. Malbim - carve it with an iron stylus, so it will last for future generations.


Why does it say "la'Ad Ad Olam"?


Radak: They and those who come after them will see that I did not bring punishments for naught, rather, for their sin. They are a rebellious nation. I already testified against them day after day through my Nevi'im, and they did not want to listen.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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