
Why does it mention here the four wise small creatures?


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): Corresponding to the four mentioned above, it says that there are four small living beings from which we can learn matters of Chachmah - the opposite of the four evils mentioned. Hashem put in these species Midos not needed for their existence and food. It is only for people to learn Chachmah from them. This is why it says Mechukamim (Pu'al conjugation).


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut) #1: Primarily, the Sefer comes to give a Mashal for Semamis. It discusses a spider, due to her name. It mentions three other small creatures that succeed due to their strategies - ants due to Zerizus, rabbits due to their buildings, and locusts due to their unity.


Malbim (Derech ha'Pashut) #2: She seized under her rule three nations that were strong at the time. One was zealous to gather wealth and all kinds of food, like ants. One built fortified cities with walls, gates and a bolt. One was a free nation without a king or ruler, but they gathered and reached agreement, and succeeded. Semamis seized all of them with her fine nets, even though they were like spider webs, and ruled over all of them.

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