
What is the significance of the juxtaposition of "Le'ahavah es Hashem Elokecha ... " to the previous Pasuk?


Seforno: It teaches us that the main objective of choosing the path of everlasting life is not for the listed reward, but in order to attain the love of Hashem, when you learn about His Goodness and Greatness.


How is it possible to cleave to Hashem, who is described as a consuming Fire?


Refer to 11:22:4:1-7.


What is the difference between "Chayecha" and "Orech Yamecha"?


Rashi (in Tehilim, 119:144) and Targum Yonasan: "Chayecha" - in this world and "Orech Yamecha" - in the world to Come. 1


Seforno: "Chayecha" - in the world to Come 2 and "Orech Yamecha Lasheves al ha'Adamah" - in this world. 3


Kidushin, 40a: This teaches us that Talmud Torah belongs to the group of Mitzvos that earn a person reward n this world, but the principal remains intact in the world to come.


Seforno: Because clinging to Hashem is the source of everlasting life.


Seforno: Cleaving to Hashem also leads to long life in Eretz Yisrael, by means of which, through Torah-study and observing the Mitzvos one merits eternal life - as the Mishnah states in Avos, 4:16 'Prepare yourself in the corridor in order to enter the banquet hall'.


What are the implications of "Ki hu Chayecha Chayecha ve'Orech Yamecha"?


Berachos, 55a: We learn from "ve'Orech Yamecha" that, if one declines to go up to read the Torah when called-up 1 will die prematurely (if he does so regularly - Torah Temimah).


Pesachim, 49b: It implies that Torah is the source of life, and that someone who does not learn Torah is guilty of his own demise. Consequently, it is forbidden to accompany an Am ha'Aretz (who does not learn Torah), because, if he doesn't care about his own life why should he care about somebody else's! 2


In former times when the person who was called-up would also Lein. See Torah Temimah, note 22.


See Torah Temimah, note 21.

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