
What is the meaning of "Pagru"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: They refrained.


Rashi: This is Arame'ic; it is the Targum of "v'Nehersu 1 ."


Radak #1: They rested, because they were weak and did not have strength to chase. This is like Yuma d'Mefagrei Rabanan (Shabbos 129b) - they were idle and weak from learning.


Radak #2: This refers to destroying. The Targum of "Hares Teharsem" (Shemos 23:24) is Fagara Tefagrinun.


Rashi did not specify whether he refers to "v'Nehersu Yesodoseha" or "v'Nehersu he'Harim" (Yechezkel 30:4 or 38:20). In his Perush on Tehilim (97:5), he compares the latter verse to melting. It seems that also here he cites the latter verse, and explains Pagru to be 'weakened.' (PF)

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