
What is the meaning of "v'Zarati"?


Radak #1: I will put Brachah in them and increase them. There will not be a miscarriage.


Radak #2: The prefix Vov equates. This is like "Mayim Karim Al Nefesh Ayefah u'Shemu'ah Tovah me'Eretz Merchak" (Mishlei 25:25; good tidings from afar refreshes like cold water for a weary person) and similar verses. Seed of man is like seed of animals - i.e. people will be numerous like animals. It says also "Arbeh Osam ka'Tzon Adam" (Yechezkel 36:37).


Malbim: In exile, they will be like seed that did not yet begin to sprout. First it decays and [seems that it] vanishes. Vanishing is for the sake of sprouting - through this it increases and yields grain. So Yisrael - even though I seeded them and scattered them in the land until their essence departed and they ceased to be a nation, this was needed for them to sprout, increase and become a great nation.


Why does it say "Zera Adam v'Zera Behemah"?


Rashi: The good ones and the fools, I will seed all of them to be My seed.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I will establish 1 them like people and make them succeed like animals - they will not be punished for sins.


Radak: I will make them like seed - from one seed come out many seeds. This is like "Baruch Pri Vitnecha u'Fri Admasecha u'Fri Vehemtecha" (Devarim 28:4).


Malbim: Both the important ones and the lowly ones who resemble an animal.


Ma'alos ha'Torah (Ma'alos ha'Torah, Sof DH Od Isa bi'Gmara): One is called a person only via learning - "Zos ha'Torah Adam


Our text of Yonason says 'increase'. (PF)

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