
Why does it say "Shim'u


Malbim: It is a big Chidush. Hashem Himself, who scattered Yisrael, will gather them. Just like scattering was supernatural, so gathering will be miraculous. Also the scattering was for the sake of gathering them - "u'Zratiha Li ba'Aretz" (Hoshe'a 2:25, like I explained there (converts will be added to them in exile). Seeding is for the sake of harvesting!


What is "Mezare"?


Rashi: He scatters. Radak - the One who scattered them in exile, He will gather them. The Goyim will know that they did not exile Yisrael with their strength, if not for Hashem's desire, for He will take us out of their Reshus Bal Korcham (against their will) and return us to His land.


What is the comparison to a shepherd?


Malbim: One who shepherds his own flock, not that of others, supervises each one, lest it be lost.

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