
What is the comparison to merchants' boats?


Rashi (31, according to the Mashal): Torah brings Brachah and food to those who learn it.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): Philosophers' understanding is compared to business. One buys, profits and switches a matter for another. Similarly, he gains Limud from Limud and comparison from comparison - "u'Knos Binah Nivchar mi'Kasef" (16:16). [The Eshes Chayil] is like a boat in the ocean. She goes in the deep sea of knowledge, and from afar brings food of the Nefesh. So Chachmah, Sechel and understanding of Divine and spiritual matters are far from the physical world. When the Nefesh is drawn after desire and the Yetzer, they block it from investigation and understanding. The Eshes Chayil who is purified from the illness of desire and the Yetzer, she spreads a flag in the sea of knowledge.

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