
Did they take all his Kelim?


Radak: They took his remaining clothes and weapons. The Amaleki took his crown and bracelet (2:1:10; Mahari Kara - some say, his Tefilin).


What is the meaning of "Levaser Beis Atzabeihem v'Es ha'Am"?


Malbim (9, 10): To thank their idolatry. There they put his Kelim and his head, like it says in Divrei ha'Yamim 1 10:10. Because the Aron cut off the head of their idolatry (5:4), they put the head of Yisrael's king [there] in Beis Dagon. "Levaser... Es ha'Am", they hung his body in the wall of Beis Shan.

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