
Why does it say "Al Admas Ami"?


Radak: They will eulogize also on My nation's land, which will sprout thorns [Malbim - until they are destroyed].


What is "Kotz Shamir"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Thorns and thistles. Radak - it is as if it says Kotz v'Shamir. Likewise [the prefix is omitted in] "Shemesh Yare'ach" (Chabakuk 3:11) and similar verses.


Why does it say "Ki Al Kol Batei Masos"?


Radak: The eulogy is also for them. Initially they were joyful houses.


Malbim: Sometimes a land is destroyed via an enemy spreading over the villages and fields. Here it is opposite - thorns will sprout on their land because they already sprouted on the joyful houses and city. The cities were destroyed first, for their residents were exiled. Via this, the fields will be desolate, for there is no one to work them and guard them.


What is "Kiryah Alizah"?


Rashi: It is Yerushalayim, which is "Masos l'Chol ha'Aretz" (Eichah 2:15). Radak - initially it was joyful.

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