
What do we learn from "Ashreichem Zore'ei Al Kol Mayim [Meshalechei Regel ha'Shor veha'Chamor]"?


Bava Kama 17a: Anyone who engages in Torah and Chesed merits the inheritance of two tribes. "Zore'ei" is Tzedakah - "Zir'u Lachem li'Tzdakah Kitzru l'Fi Chesed" (Hoshe'a 10:12). "Mayim" refers to Torah - "Hoy Kol Tzamei Lechu l'Mayim" (below, 55:1). They merit many children like Yosef, "Ben Poras Yosef Banos Tza'adah Alei Shor" (Bereishis 49:22) and wealth like Yisachar, "Yisachar Chamor Garem" (ibid., 14). Alternatively, their enemies fall in front of them, like Yosef, "[Bechor Shoro?] Amim Yenagach", and they merit understanding like Yisachar, "umi'Bnei Yisachar Yod'ei Vinah..."


Avodah Zarah 5b: Happy are Yisrael! When they engage in Torah and Chesed, their Yetzer ha'Ra is delivered into their hands.

'Zeriyah' refers to Tzedakah, and "Mayim" refers to Torah. (Rashi - "Meshalechei Regel" refers to casting off the Yetzer ha'Ra.) Also "ha'Shor veha'Chamor" refer to Torah - one should bear the yoke of Torah like an ox, and make himself like a donkey to bear the burden.


Rashi: Yisrael are fortunate. The seeding of your Tzedakah succeeded like one who seeds on water. From now, you will reap and gather grain of you reward. You will send cattle to thresh and donkeys to bring it to the house. Targum Yonasan says so.


Radak: Wherever you seed, you will find water.


Malbim: The generation of Chizkiyah, those who remain will seed on every source of water. It will sprout, to send there cattle and donkeys - "v'Chol he'Harim Asher ba'Mader Ye'aderun? v'Hayah l'Mishlach Shor ul'Mirmas Seh" (7:25). The valley will be destroyed, but the enemy will not go to the mountain.


What do we learn from "Meshalechei Regel ha'Shor veha'Chamor"?


Bava Kama 2b: "Meshalechei" refers to Regel (what an animal damages via walking normally).


Refer to 32:20:1:1-3.


Radak: There will be such satiation that you will send cattle and donkeys to graze in the fields 1 .


Normally, one would not do so, lest they damage grain. Amidst great satiation, you will not be concerned for this. (PF)

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