
What is the meaning of "v'Chelai Kelav Ra'im"?


Radak: Before discussed a Naval who does base acts. Now it discusses the Kilai. His thoughts are evil, but he is not like the Naval, who does evil acts. The Kilai thinks and speaks bad about weak Aniyim, and speaks Sheker in order to harm them. In the Evyon's Mishpat, he speaks to obligate him in his case and punish him. Kelav are the Kilai's measures. Just like he is stingy, all his measures are bad and lacking. When he sells, he gives less than what the buyer paid for.


Malbim: The Kilai is better than the Naval in two ways. (a) His evil is not so revealed. (b) He sins only in Mitzvos Bein Adam l'Chavero, but not in Emunos or in Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom. However, his plots and thoughts are evil.


What are "Zamos"?


Radak: His foul words. This is like "Ki Zimah Asu" (Hoshe'a 6:9).


Malbim: They are covert counsels to wound Aniyim via Sheker. In this way he is worse than a Naval, whose heart is like his mouth.


What is "uv'Daber Evyon Mishpat"?


Rashi: It is to wound the poor in his judgment. Mishpat is the initial words. When he begins to speak his claims, [this Rasha] counsels to make him stumble. Mishpat has three meanings - initial claim, final verdict, and affliction.


Radak: In the Evyon's Mishpat, he speaks to obligate him in his case and punish him.


Malbim: Even when the Evyon's judgment is clear and known, the Kilai makes false claims to steal his portion.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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