
Why did the B'nei Gad and Reuven, who said "Anachnu" in Pasuk 17, now say "Nachnu" minus the 'Alef'?


Oznayim la'Torah: When they thought that all the men would cross to fight, they said "Anachnu", but now that were they told that only the seasoned troops would go, 1 they said "Nachnu". 2


Refer to 32:21:2:1.


Oznayim la'Torah: In similar vein, when, in Mikeitz Bereishis, 42:11, the brothers were telling Yosef about their family, they said "Kulanu B'nei Ish Echad Nachnu", because Yosef was missing; and Moshe, in his humility, said to the people "ve'Nachnu Mah".


Why did the B'nei Gad and Reuven change the conditions that Moshe arranged in Pasuk 30?


Rashi and Seforno (in Pasuk 28): To teach us that they did not accept Moshe's terms ? in Pasuk 30 - to own their portion in Eiver ha'Yarden only after the land was captured 1 , but stipulated that the land should then become theirs retroactively from now. 2


Refer to 32:28:1:2.


A condition that Moshe accepted, as the Pasuk goes on to relate.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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