What is the meaning of "[Al Batei ha'Ir] ha'Nesutzim El ha'Solelos"?
Rashi: They demolished houses to make mounds, on which they will ascend to fight the Bavliyim.
Radak: I explained Solelos above (refer to 32:24:1:1 and the note there).
Malbim: The houses are destroyed via the Solelos and axes.
What is the meaning of "El ha'Solelos v'El ha'Cherev"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They make mounds to strengthen the wall in front of the enemy, which kills with swords.
Radak: This is like b'Solelos uv'Cherev. Similarly, "v'El ha'Aron Titen Es ha'Edus" (Shemos 25:21) is like uva'Aron, just there [El is in place of the prefix] Beis that means inside, and here it is in place of Beis that means with the help of (using). Cherev is a heavy ax used to topple towers, like "u'Migdelosayich Yitotz b'Charvosav" (Yechezkel 26:9).
Malbim: Refer to 32:5:1:2.