Why does it say "Ba'im Lehilachem"?
Radak: The houses were destroyed because the residents came to fight the Bavliyim, and did not open [the city and surrender] to them. Therefore, the Bavliyim overpowered and struck the houses with catapults and axes, until they conquered the city.
Malbim: This is read with the end of verse 4. The Solelos and Cherev are coming with the Bavliyim to fight the city and fill the houses with dead bodies.
Why does it say "u'Lemal'am Es Pigrei ha'Adam"?
Rashi: The houses that they destroyed, they make them graves for the bodies of people killed in the city.
Radak: The residents caused to fill the houses with dead bodies - they fought the Bavliyim.
Malbim: Refer to 32:5:1:2.
Why does it say "Asher Hikisi"?
Malbim: These are those that Hashem Himself killed via Hashgachah.
Why does it say "va'Asher Histarti Fanai"?
Malbim: These are those that were killed automatically, via Hester Panim (removing Hashgachah) - "v'Histarti Fanai Mehem v'Hayah Le'echol" (Devarim 31:17).
Why does it say "Al Kol Ra'asam"?
Malbim: Both what I killed via Hashgachah and via Hester Panim, were not because I hate them permanently. Rather, it was due to their evil, like a doctor who lets blood not to strike, rather, to heal.