
What is "Shir Agavim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is like a song of flutes. Radak ? Yonason equates Agav to Ugav (Bereishis 4:21).


Radak: A song of passion and jest.


What do we learn from "Yefe Kol u'Metiv Nagen"?


Radak: It is like hearing from one with a nice voice and plays [musical instruments] well ? so they feign to enjoy hearing your words.


Malbim: Sometimes people come to the Navi to hear his metaphors when he speaks in parables. It is to them like an enjoyable song; they enjoy hearing the metaphors and nice speech that draws the listener's heart. They hear your words, "v'Osim Einam Osam" (they do not fulfill them).

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