
What is the meaning of "u'mi'Meged Tevu'os Shamesh"?


Rashi (citing Rashi) and Ramban: 'And from the delicious fruit that is sweetened by the sun 1 - to which his land is open'.


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: The sweet fruits that are produced by the (heat of the) sun.


Yoma, 83b: Someone who wants to taste the sweetest figs should pick the figs oin the east side of he tree. 2


Bava Kama, 81b: One of the conditions that Yehoshua instituted permited cutting-off a branch ffrom anybody's tree to transplant - but not from the east side of the tree. 3


In view of Rashi's first explanation of "Geresh Yerachim" - Refer to 33:24:2:1, it is surprising that Rashi does not explain "Tevu'os Shemesh" like Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan - See answer #2.


Because that is where the sun shines all day and sweetens the fruit. See Torah Temimah note 50.


See Torah Temimah, note 51.


What is the meaninqg of "Geresh Yerachim"?


Rashi #1: "Geresh Yerachim" are fruits that are ripened by the moon - such as cucumbers and pumpkins.


Rashi #2 and Ramban: Sweet fruit that the land 'expels' 1 month by month. 2


Targum Yonasan: 'The first-fruits 3 of the trees that the land produces month by month.


Ramban: This implies that, in their respective months, the trees will bud, flower and turn into fruit before those of all the other tribes, as implied in Yechezkel, 47:12 - "le'Chadashav Yevaker". Hadar Zekenim, Rosh (in Pasuk13): "Geresh" regarding vegetation is like "Sheger" regarding animals (which a mother expels from her womb). We find similar words in which the letters are reversed. Riva: The B'chor Shor said so, because we find 'Sheger' regarding Peiros, but not 'Geresh'.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains why the word "Yerachim" is written in the plural.


Refer to 33:14:2:2*.

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